our words make worlds

Language teachers in the 21st century: Perspectives and trajectories

The Diasporic Identities research strand of the project is excited to announce a collaboration with the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) Research Network. The strand will be working with this energetic group dedicated to language teachers' development of digital skills. The Network responds to the demand on language teachers, in terms of technical skills, following the rapid growth of information and communication technology (ICT) in the last decade.  

This network brings together 34 established language educators and researchers from 15 countries and five continents who have worked on ICT and (self-)empowering methods of CPD. The specific objectives of our network are as follows:

  • To collect information about CPD programmes focusing on ICT and/or self-empowerment of teachers
  • To compare different, international approaches to CPD
  • To compare beliefs about teachers (“ideal” teachers) from an intercultural perspective

The final aim is to arrive at a detailed picture of the landscape of language teacher training in terms of digital skills development, according to target culture, culture of origin, teaching and learning cultures.

If you are interested in adding your personal or institutional perspectives, please do contact Dr Ursula Stickler who is a Research Network Convener.