our words make worlds

The Right Skills: Celebrating Skills in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

The Biritish Academy's Skills project looks at the skills that arts, humanities and social science students develop and the value of these skills to the individual, to society and the economy. The project looks at how these skills are taught, learnt and applied in society. 

A number of core skills shared across the arts, humanities and social sciences were identified including communication and collaboration; research and analysis; and independence and adaptability. The report found that these skills are often the same as those in demand from employers. The core skills were found to equip graduates to work in a wide range of jobs, including teaching, financial services, the civil service and web design. Students are able to use their skills in employment, research, education and broader social contexts. The arts, humanities and social sciences help us to us to understand ourselves, our society and our place in the world. They are vital to our ability to understand and learn from the past and analyse the present, in order to innovate and build for the future. 

Read more on the report here