We invite you to the second session in our new Digital Modern Languages seminar series, bringing together research and teaching in Modern Languages which engages with digital culture, media and technologies.
Convened by Paul Spence (King’s College London) and Naomi Wells (Institute of Modern Languages Research), the series is part of the AHRC-funded Open World Research Initiative, and is supported by the Cross-Language Dynamics: Reshaping Community and Language Acts and Worldmaking projects, and by the AHRC Leadership Fellow for Modern Languages (Janice Carruthers).
The second seminar welcomes guest speaker Mandana Seyfeddinipur (SOAS), Director of the SOAS World Languages Institute and Head of the Endangered Languages Archive digital repository (ELAR), who will be speaking about 'Two sides of the same coin: Why the digital is blessing and curse for endangered languages'. Attendance is free of charge but please register in advance here. The seminar includes a drinks reception.
Further details of the series can be found on our website, where we will also announce future events. We are also on twitter.
Please contact Paul Spence (paul.spence@kcl.ac.uk) and Naomi Wells (naomi.wells@sas.ac.uk) if you have any questions or would like further information about the Series.