Debate 1 Academic Session 2018/19: Communicating Emotions in a Foreign Language with Jean-Marc Dewaele, Professor in Applied Linguistics and Multilingualism, Birkbeck College, University of London
7th November, 6–7.30pm, Room UG04 (Upper Ground Floor), University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street, London W1B 2UW
Chair: Professor Debra Kelly, Modern Languages, School of Humanities, University of Westminster
The Debate begins with an overview by Jean-Marc Dewaele of the recent surge of interest in the field of emotion and multilingualism. His focus is on the development of sociopragmatic and sociocultural competence, and more specifically on the communication of emotion by first and foreign language users as well as the effect of emotional acculturation to a new language and culture. The effects of age on acquisition and of type of foreign language instruction are considered, together with the effects of current language use on language preferences for the communication of emotion including declarations of love and swearing in the foreign language.
Professor Jean-Marc Dewaele and his daughter Livia won the 2017 prize for best paper in the Journal of the European Second Language Association with the contribution: ‘The dynamic interactions in Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety and Foreign Language Enjoyment of pupils aged 12 to 18. A pseudo-longitudinal investigation’ (Dewaele, J.-M. & Dewaele, L., 2017). He won the Equality and Diversity Research Award (2013) from the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and the Robert C. Gardner Award for Excellence in Second Language and Bilingualism Research (2016) from the International Association of Language and Social Psychology. He holds a special commendation from the Birkbeck Public Engagement and Research Impact committee in the category ‘Engaged Practice’ for a project ‘Raising awareness about multilingualism in psychotherapy’ (2018) with Dr Beverley Costa. Jean-Marc is former president of the International Association of Multilingualism and the European Second Language Association. He is Editor of the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Of particular reference for the Debate are, for example, Dewaele, J.-M. (2013). Emotions in Multiple Languages. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2nd ed., and Dewaele, J.-M. & Salomidou, L. (2017), ‘Loving a partner in a foreign language’ Journal of Pragmatics.
A drinks reception will take place following the Debate in the Modern Languages Social Space, Upper Fourth Floor, Regent Street from 7:30–8pm
You can see details of the previous debates on our website: