our words make worlds

Social participation

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We hope to stimulate a lively conversation on Twitter on the theme of digital multilingualism.

You can tag the event and community using:

  • #DDM20 for the event
  • #DigitalMultilingualism to create wider community

Our Twitter handles are @languageacts @kingsdh @CrossLangDyn

Use @languageacts for questions relating to the event


Your registration information included a link to register to our Slack workspace, which we have set up to allow people to create structured conversations around particular topics, and if they wish, to propose new initiatives connected to the theme of ‘disrupting digital monolingualism’.

  • The slack channel is "Language Acts and Worldmaking"
  • Users may post in the #general channel to start conversations, suggest topics for additional channels (which the administrators can create) and report technical difficulties during the workshop, among the other varied uses of Slack
  • As with other ways of participation, we expect the participants to follow the Code of Conduct in the Slack community.

If you’re new to Slack: https://slack.com/intl/en-gb/resources/using-slack/slack-tutorials