9.30 - 10.00 Arrival and Registration –coffee provided
10.00 - 10.15 Welcome and Introduction to the Project
Paul Spence and Renata Brandão
10.15 -10.45 Keynote Speaker
Professor Claire Taylor (University of Liverpool)
Digital Culture and Re-thinking Modern Languages
10.45 -11.30 Panel discussion: what implications do digital culture & technology have for the future of modern languages research?
Tori Holmes (Queen’s University Belfast)
Guyda Armstrong (University of Manchester)
Inma Alvarez (The Open University)
11.30 - 11.45 Coffee break –coffee provided
11.45 - 13.15 Presentations 1
Thea Pitman (University of Leeds)
The Translingual Dimensions of Research on Digital Indigeneity in Brazil
Emanuela Patti (University of Birmingham)
Digital Cultures and Modern Languages: Understanding Intermediality In The Digital Age
Ewan Cass-Kavanagh
Using digital techniques to create multi-vocal oral histories and participatory documentaries
Clare Hooper (Liverpool University Press)
Modern Languages Open: Facilitating Interdisciplinarity in the Modern Languages
13.15 - 14.00 Lunch break –lunch provided.
14.00 - 15.30 Presentations 2
Saskia Huc-Hepher (University of Westminster)
A Community Reborn: Archiving the London French Web
Caroline Ardrey (University of Birmingham)
Visualising Voices: developing linguistically versatile digital audio analysis methods for poetry in performance
Katia Chornik (University of Manchester)
Challenges in creating the Captive Songs / Cantos Cautivos archive, of musical experiences in political detention
15.30 - 15.45 Coffee break –coffee provided
15.45 - 17.00 Discussion in groups
17.00 - 17.30 Closing session