Welcome to the section for the Disrupting Digital Monolingualism workshop, a one-and-a-half day event which was held online on June 16th and 17th 2020. The workshop was hosted by the Language Acts & Worldmaking project with the support of the Cross-Language Dynamics: Reshaping Community project, both projects funded by the AHRC as part of its Open World Research Initiative.
Due to the COVID-19 health crisis we re-factored the workshop as a virtual event with a series of synchronous/live and asynchronous/pre-recorded interventions, using a combination of audiovisual and text-based tools. The workshop included a combination of lightning talks, demos, posters, panels and a mini-workshop, and we encouraged participation on social channels. We believed this still represented an excellent opportunity to collectively make a mutually enriching and inspiring contribution to discussions about digital multilingualism!
Here you can:
- Read about our Aims
- See our workshop Programme
- See Videos from the workshop
- Check our Reports
- Read about the Theme Groups which have continued work on topics which emerged at the workshop

Find us on the Sociolinguistic Events Calendar: https://baal.org.uk/slxevents/