our words make worlds

DDM Workshop: Theme Groups

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The second part of the Disrupting Digital Monolingualism consisted of focused discussion by four 'theme groups' specially created to continued discussions after the synchronous event on June 16/17 2020. Originally, the event was conceived of as a predominantly face-to-face event at King's College London, and we were going to dedicate the second day to more focused discussion around four themes:

  • Linguistic and geocultural diversity in digital knowledge infrastructures
  • Working with multimodal multilingual methods and data
  • Transcultural and translingual approaches to digital study
  • Artificial intelligence, machine learning and NLP in language worlds

As a result of the Global Covid-19 pandemic it was not possible to create the kind of interaction we had hoped for, so we resolved to set up four virtual theme groups instead.

The groups will publish full reports about their activities later, but for now we offer brief summaries for each group below:

Group 1: Linguistic and geocultural diversity in digital knowledge infrastructures

Group 2: Working with multimodal multilingual methods and data

Group 3: Transcultural and translingual approaches to digital study

Group 4: Artificial intelligence, machine learning and NLP in language worlds