Latin Lemma
Latin Meaning
(Intersum "to lie between; to be different; to be present at; to be of interest"; the impersonal interest was used in the sense of "it makes a difference, concerns, is of interest" L&S. The PRESPART of intersum was interessens, -ntis, so interesante is a later derivational creation. Semantic equivalents of Sp interesante in Lat were utilis, commodus DRAE 1817, commodus, oportunus and idoneus BF.
Portuguese Lemma
Portuguese Variants
Portuguese POS
Portuguese Morphologically related words
Portuguese Historical frequency (per million words)
13C: 0.00 | 14C: 0.00 | 15C: 0.00 | 16C: 0.00 | 17C: 0.31 | 18C: 1.83 | 19C: 65.12 | 20C: 73.63 | CDPGH |