Latin Lemma
Latin Meaning
(Intersum "to lie between; to be different; to be present at; to be of interest"; the impersonal interest was used in the sense of "it makes a difference, concerns, is of interest" L&S. The PRESPART of intersum was interessens, -ntis, so interesante is a later derivational creation. Semantic equivalents of Sp interesante in Lat were utilis, commodus DRAE 1817, commodus, oportunus and idoneus BF.
French Lemma
French POS
French Morphologically related words
intéresser, intérêt, intéressé, intéressement "profit-sharing scheme", désintéresser, désintéressement "disinterestedness", désintérêt Larousse
French First attestation
(Earlier exs are of PRESPART use)
Il [Homère] auroit pû attacher sa fable à toute autre histoire, sans que son poëme eust esté moins interessant. (FRANTEXT: Anne Dacier, Des causes de la corruption du goust, 1714)
French Historical frequency (per million words)
13C: 0 | 14C: 0 | 15C: 0 | 16C: 0 | 17C: 7 | 18C: 23 | 19C: 17 | 20C: 27 | 21C: 31 | FRANTEXT |
French Semantic history
Derivative of intéresser in turn derived from intérêt on the basis of Lat interesse TLF.
interes attested 1290 in sense of "damage" in collocation dampmages et interes, which appears to be a legal formula; 15C "pecuniary interest" and "concern" TLF
interessées attested 1356 in sense of "wronged"; 16C "harm" and "capture attention" TLF