our words make worlds


Language Acts has launched a new podcast series looking at the way the COVID-19 pandemic has been narrated by print and digital media around the world

Language Acts and Worldmaking has been awarded funding for its proposal, 'Worldmaking in the Time of Covid-19'.

Language Acts is excited to announce its conference Languages Future, featuring special guest speaker David Crystal

Our new article, co-authored by Inma Álvarez, Carlos Montoro, Ana de Medeiros, Debra Kelly and Alice Hazard, from the Diasporic Identities and the Politics and Language Teaching and the Language Transitions strands of the project, has just been published. You can read it here in Open Access.

Language Acts and Worldmaking is pleased to announce its next conference 'Languages Future' will take place Monday 27 - Tuesday 28 April 2020 at King's College London. The CfP deadline is 20 December 2019.

Language Acts and Worldmaking is pleased to announce the launch of its Worldmaking Fair, a season of events on the theme of 'Languages Now', running May-Sept 2019

The Language Acts and Worldmaking team have received four King’s Curriculum Innovation Awards to develop new interdisciplinary and service modules for undergraduate students.

The Language Acts and Worldmaking Loaded Meanings research strand invites proposals for 'New Worlds for Old Words: the impact of cultured borrowing on the Romance languages and English', a colloquium taking place at King's College London, 23-24 September 2019.

The call for the forthcoming forum for researchers and practitioners, 'Worldmaking on Stage and the Work of Theatre Translation Beyond the Stage', taking place 30 July 2019 at King's College London, is now closed.

We have released a call for proposals for a ‘Digital Modern Languages tutorial writing sprint’, which aims to bring together language teachers, modern languages researchers and digital practitioners to create a collaborative Open Educational Resource.

The research project forms part of a large–scale research initiative ‘Cross-Language Dynamics: Reshaping Community’, an AHRC-Funded OWRI Programme, based at the University of Manchester.

In our first conference, Languages Memory, which ran from 13-14 June, we wanted to enliven our awareness of the ways in which languages are experienced, practised, taught and researched. Video and audio recordings of the conference sessions are now up on our website.

Scientific Studies Association (ILEM), as a partner of the Language Acts and Worldmaking project, calls for papers for the international conference Al-Andalus in Motion: Travelling Concepts and Cross-Cultural Contexts to be held on November 15-16, 2018, hosted by Istanbul Medeniyet University.

The Diasporic Identities research strand of the project is excited to announce a collaboration with the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) Research Network.

Given many higher education institutions tend to show a rather low systemic autonomy (Tatzl, 2013), this project aims to mitigate barriers to learner autonomy by the implementation of an e-tandem scheme.

Peter Burke will compare and contrast two diasporas of intellectuals, Protestant refugees in the 17th century and Jewish refugees in the 20th, and their contributions to the cultures of the host countries.

The themes for this conference will be minority languages, risks, disasters and regional crises.

Languages for the Future looks at the supply and demand for languages in the upcoming years given the current changes. This updates the 2013 British Council report which provided the first systematic analysis of the UK's language needs and identifies the languages which will be of crucial importance for the UK's future prosperity, security and influence.

The British Academy's Skills project looks at the skills that arts, humanities and social science students develop and the value of these skills to the individual, to society and the economy. The report looks at how these skills are taught, learnt and applied in society.

Language Acts and Worldmaking is delighted to announce its first conference, Languages Memory. In this first conference, we want to enliven our awareness of the ways in which languages are experienced, practised , taught and researched. The conference will be held at Bush House, London, 13-14 June 2018.

Free teacher subject specialism training for secondary modern foreign languages will be held in London and Norwich. The programme is delivered by King's College London's Modern Language Centre in collaboration with Lambeth Teaching Schools' Alliance.

In an interview for Research Fortnight's 500th issue, Catherine Boyle, Principle Investigator for Language Acts and Worldmaking, talks about the ideas behind the project.

Language Acts and Worldmaking are pleased to announce a call for proposals for our Small Grants Scheme.

We launched Language Acts and Worldmaking in November 2016 with a series of workshops and a lecture by Professor Doris Sommer, Harvard University.